Ai no Yasha Contests Page!!!!

Eri-chan no Contests!
The Ai no Yasha International Fun Contest!
This is pretty much a directed fan-art contest. All entries must include at least one Ai no Yasha character in the native/traditional clothing of a country: i.e. a kimono for Japan, lederhosen for Germany, etc. The winner will once again be decided by a voting poll in the Ai no Yasha forum that will remain open for one month after the contest closes. I've decided to up the stakes for this contest! First of all, there will be only one winner, though all pages submited will be displayed on a special page in the fan art gallery (and if they're uber-wonderful I'll post them on the mainpage). The winner will have their art displayed on the mainpage under the comic and will win one item of their choice from the Ai no Yasha store (and yes, that includes shipping). All entries must be sent to me (eri-chan) via e-mail, and that e-mail must include a name and an e-mail address (whatever name you're willing to give is fine, and the e-mail address must be valid in order for you to claim your prize). Entries may be in color or grayscale and may include characters from other stories/comics as long as at least one Ai no Yasha character is featured. All mediums are permited (aka: photoshop, colored pencil, oil paint, crayon, what not). If any part of any character's body is shown that could not be shown on an American public beach that is frequented by children and nuns, the entry will be disqualified, even if the picture is an acurate portrayal of a specific country's traditional clothing. Multiple entries are permited and welcome. The contest closes January 1, 2005. Have fun!

Sarai no Contests!
The Puri-Puri-Nyanko Contest!

This one is going to be fun! “Puri-Puri Nyanko” is Yasha’s favorite manga. It’s made sneak appearances in several comic pages, she was reading it at the end of chapter one and she’s holding a copy in the Halloween special art pic. While we’re at it, it’s probably the silliest manga ever conceived! It’s about a cat that turns into a magical girl whenever she hears the screams of people in peril. Now, here’s how the contest works: draw a page or a sequence from this massively shoujo story and submit it to any of the Ai no Yasha team members. The prize for doing so is getting it posted in a special Puri-Puri Nyanko page in the extras section, and the prize for being the best of the best of these entries is getting your page posted directly below a regularly-scheduled-comic page for all the world to see! Who knows, Eri-chan may even do commission art for you if she’s thrilled enough with your work!

C-ko no Contests!
C-ko has no contests running at this time.

Ongoing Site-wide contests:
Fanart Contest:
Well, it’s not a contest… but Eri-chan will love you and link you if you send her fan art.
Hit-counter contest (AKA: Kiriban):
If you are visitor 10,000 to this site, Eri-chan will draw you whatever you like! To claim your prize, send a name (any name you like, really) and an e-mail address to Eri-chan. You must also include your internet server information so that Eri can validate your claim (for example, I’m on the server here, if you’re at school it’ll be an edu server, if you’re on a phone line just say so ‘cause it’s too confusing to pin down your server information, if you’re on a cable line like DSL that’s your server). This contest is ongoing. After we hit 10,000, the prize number will change and the process will start all over again.
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